the latest victim

hey again!

I hope you missed me! i've been overseas so and left my laptop at home so sorry for the lack of blog posts over the last 2ish weeks!

i have some news!! so to recap, i broke up with my boyfriend about a month ago (whoop whoop) and FINALLY OVER HIM, and now i got a new crush who's oml so sweet and caring and drama-free (lets hear it for the small minority of crushable boys with no drama) and yea.

great thing is that HE LIKES ME!

a couple facts:
- he's not popular (like bottom-tier of popularity) which is great cos i need no drama
- we're interested in the exact same stuff (aside from running that is...he isn't sports biggest fan)
- he's in one of my classes and cos we like the same stuff, we see each other around as well
- one of my really good friends knew he liked me and has tried to set us up for ages
- she says that he gets flustered when she gives him advice about me and literally questioned my sudden interest in him
- he's got possibly the dirtiest sense of humor ever
- he's a really good singer, actor, being on stage person
- he can play the piano
- he's taller than me
- its so so hard to read him because he's not an emotional in the first time i ever saw any real emotion was when he cried after his last school stage show
- we're not dating, just really, really good friends
- and yea i really like him

so this is pretty much my life since i've come back! i have externals to study for which sucks because i'm still on holiday :(

but i can't wait for school to start!

flick me an email or dm me on instagram!

my username is dionturner_

and my email is

please don't be shy i'd love to hear from you its so cool when i post a new blog post to see people from all over the world reading my blog and hearing my voice in a way.

lots of love!

dion xx


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